Blue Monday
Hopefully it’s only the sky that’s blue for you today!
I’m not sure how accurate the research is but some have claimed “The third Monday of January has been awarded the gloomy title due to a combination of post-Christmas blues, cold dark nights and the arrival of unpaid credit card bills.”
There’s no question that January can be a difficult month for mental well-being (including for some of the reasons above), but a positive attitude and approach supported by simple structures, can make a significant and positive impact.
Having targeted goals supported by realistic and detailed plans to measurable timescales, provides greater chance of success and importantly the framework to ‘revisit’ in times of doubt and negativity.
The potential for change is in our own hands and it may be that change in itself, is the concern or issue, but as George Bernard Shaw quoted, “Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”.
Whilst embracing change can be incredibly invigorating, a key element of the inertia in implementing plans to achieve this, may be the initial inability to choose from multiple options.
In her book “Why we do what we do”, Dr Helena Boschi explains “When we have to choose between multiple outcomes, our brain cannot cope and becomes distracted. However, when we have just two outcomes, we are able to make a much faster choice”
So prioritise the outcomes that are best for you right now and put your plan in place. The first step of this plan may be in getting support in preparing, designing and implementing it.
Do you have your personal or business plan in place?