If you’re considering a new role or searching for new talent to join your business or team, why should you consider working exclusively with a recruiter?

You may think the risks outweigh the benefits, but in the correct circumstances, it’s the control of the key risks and timetable, that makes working exclusively, the highly effective and better option.

Recruiters focus their time and skills where they feel they can be most effective in delivering solutions. There’s greater probability of this success when they work within an exclusive ‘partnership’ with those seeking a move or their clients in need of the best available talent.

Specialist recruiters will therefore prioritise those options where they’ve agreed a plan on an exclusive basis.

They and their colleagues, can then allocate the time and resources to deliver to agreed objectives within the timeline.

Are you’re considering a new role?

I recommend the following to agree an exclusive plan of action with a recruiter?

1. Ensure they’re a specialist in your field to fully understand your skills and thus prioritise the better career options for you.
2. Agree with them your prioritised needs as realistic and achievable.
3. Confirm which companies match your target or potential objectives, who they’ll then engage exclusively with on your behalf.
4. Confirm a contact schedule to discuss activity.

If you’re seeking new Talent for your team or business?

There are 4 key aspects that drive the benefit for engaging a recruiter exclusively:

1. Confidentiality. This can’t be achieved using multiple sourcing channels.
2. Urgent or required deadline for individual or ‘multiples’ / project recruitment, as within retained, you will agree a realistic and specific schedule of delivery.
3. Specialist and technical roles increasing the need for exclusivity with a smaller talent pool, as multiple contacts dilutes branding and quality of success.
4. To benefit from a holistic long-term specialist partnership and so receive market mapping, talent assessment and priority options on future talent with leadership assessment and coaching / development options.

Where one or more of these factors are relevant, you’ll significantly increase your probability of success within your timeline, in sourcing the best available talent by engaging a specialist exclusively.

Inevitably, the costs are the same as the multiple supplier option or perhaps marginally more, but remember to factor in the cost of management time in resourcing through the other options in your ROI calculation.

If you want the best career options personally and / or are looking for more accurate and consistent talent attraction for your team, it’s worth discussing exclusivity with a specialist recruiter. Your competition probably are.

As a recruiter, what’s your strategy for delivering exclusively?

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