The recent Totaljobs survey detailed in the TALiNT International article, shows great news for Recruiters that a high percentage of workers are now looking for a new job!

More active candidates in the market and more people moving jobs is a dynamic and positive market for us as Recruiters.

On the flip side for recruitment business owners, you’ll be acutely aware of the activity in the market for the talent in your business and the opportunities that are being presented to them.

How focussed are you on investing in your people and agreeing their structured L&D program with them?

“The research also revealed that only one in 10 workers said they had received training during 2020, though 30% have used their time during the pandemic productively to further their development…”

Your investment of time and in external skills should be ‘top down’ to maximise the potential of achieving your 2021 plans and beyond. A skilled management team, with a clear vision of their future, will better motivate and lead your teams.

Are your L&D plans agreed and in place?
“”>Talint International article

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