When was the last time you did something within your role that was fun?
Hopefully fairly recently and quite often.
Isn’t each of our individual versions of fun, just how we think about it? It’s said that …“One man’s meat is another man’s poison”.
So therefore, if we can adjust our point of view and recognise the benefit (to us and others around us), of a task or responsibility within our role, then perhaps we can use these details to convert our feelings from negative (sometimes even dread) to more positive.
Try this process:
1. Analyse your least ‘enjoyable’ task or responsibility to understand what and why it is you don’t like.
2. Reconfirm the benefits to you and others of you fulfilling the task or responsibility.
3. By focussing on the benefits then review those negative aspects and see ‘enjoyment’ in the act of working through the task.
4. Imagine the activity producing ‘Mental Endorphins’ that give you the ‘high’. Just like a gym workout (if you can remember them).
At the very least, you may generate some innovative ideas on how better to achieve your ‘required’ objectives from something you least enjoy.
I hope you have some FUN trying…